He's one.
His vocab has exploded this weekend.
We were outside enjoying our campfire last night (yes, we purposefully set a fire in our backyard...kinda inconsiderate of BWCA? I don't know. To my defense, it was very close to where the hose was watering our lawn and "evergreen" trees. Also, there was potential for 15 people to be here last night and they all cancelled as the day went on! Mid-week spur of the moment parties don't go well! :-)
Regardless. I'm roasting mallows for me and my kids (yes, just us 3) and I hear Vince behind me, "ka, ooow, ma, ka owww ma, ka oww, mama, KAAAA OWWWWW MAMAMAMAMAMAM!"
Anyone speak toddler?
"Cat out mama." Killer got out when Quinn came out with the mallows and chocolate and I had NO idea!
Photos and videos of various "happy birthday" videos to come!