Where did that time go, anyway?
We've been busy here packing, and unpacking, and packing...for all our mini-vacations of the summer! Despite the MAJOR packing and moving we are preparing for, we've still managed to pack in 3 vacations in 3 weeks!
We are heading to Hershey, PA tomorrow through Sunday.
On Wednesday night Q and I are leaving to meet my family in Disney World for a few days (they're there all week).
Then Mike's off to DC for a week for work.
Then a few days and we're off to MSP for closing.
Then a week and my parents will be out to help us move out of Brooklyn!
Then the real summer begins, right?!?! :)
As far as Q update: she's a chatterbox beyond belief. It's taking me DAYS to figure out what some of her words mean. For 3 days now she's been saying what has sounded like "happy"...I FINALLY figured out today it's "help me". "spider" sounds like "water" (she wants to sing itsty bitsy). Her vocabulary in general and comprehension is incredible. One of her favorite words now is "baby" and of course "cookie" and "kiekie" (blankie).
She loves to be on the go and likes to point out things as we walk and drive by. Mostly people who pass by get kisses and waves and "hi-eeeee"s.
She's queen of the stairs and queen of not following simple direction "don't climb" "hot, don't touch" "not on the table" -- but most of her stubborn moments means she's overtired or overhungry...both easily solved.
Hope all is well in everyone's worlds. We'll try to post photos from Hershey Park during the weekend...if not...keep posted for early next week!!