So, I must say, about 3 years ago...tonight...I was crazy happy in love and smiled more in a day than I ever thought possible.
But it also happened that I had a lot to drink and not so much to eat because my nerves were ridiculous out-of-control. No fear Mike wouldn't show. No fear of "losing" my last name. No fear of tripping. No fear of laryngitis. No thoughts of what was happening at work without me for the third day in a row with many more to come for a short vacation. No...I'm not sure why I was so nervous. But once the photos started getting taken and I was holding Mike's all washed away and I couldn't stop smiling.
Even as the drinks went down...the smile remained.
Even as Dannie talked about Mr. My's hair...the smile remained.
Even as Nate spoke of...uhm, ooh, don't remember what Nate spoke about!
Even as Dad spoke of his little girl...the smile remained (and the first tears of the day!!!).
Even as Mike spoke of his Oz characters...the smile remained.
And now today, looking at our photo book...the smile remains. I can't believe it's been 3 years. It's seemed more like at least 15! :)
We've had a crazy crazy couple years, Mike, but I'm glad I could spend them with you. And now with Quinn. And maybe some more kid(s) someday too! Our lives have changed so much as individuals and as a couple and as a family! Only time will tell what God has in store for us in the many, many happy years to come!
But really, the question of the night continues to remain in my head...and so many others that attended the reception that night...
"How Drunk Was I??"
Now for us all to try to re-live that night and join us for our housewarming party coming up next weekend. To yet again talk for 3 years about the night we got trashed at a party Mike and Katie had (with the help of their parents).
AND, of course, a very happy birthday to Grandpa Chuck today!!!!