Thursday, November 5, 2009

Question Confusion

"How are you today?"

"What's your name?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"What color is that?"

She's hilarious. I really miss my time with her during the day. But MAN does a day at work wipe me out...and the drive doesn't help much. Although, it allows time for interesting conversations between us (see above Q/A).

And ONE WEEK breastfeeding free. I really miss it more than I ever thought I would. It was great bonding. She's all about her choco milk now at dinner and before bed (which rolls into each other these days). I think weening was the reason for soooo many poopy diapers. I read in a few places even the little changes can upset the tummy. SOO, we're back to lactaid, expensive wipes and no breastfeeding. We'll see if we're willing to experiment with any changes any time soon. The poor girl's butt was cherry for a week.

Now she's "all done clean up" and wants "story book book book nigh nigh". So, time to go be a mommy! Just thought I'd drop a quick note to signify I am still alive...and working more than ever! Yay we can afford Christmas!!!!!


Heidi said...

Aren't they at a funny age?! We seriously need to get these girls together sometime!

Anonymous said...

She's quite the conversationalist, isn't she?? No more breastfeeding....good for you! You'll have to find other ways to "cuddle". You'll adjust and so will she. Sometimes it doesn't take much to upset those little tummies!

Hope you are done with that job soon....I miss our morning "chats".

Love you...kiss Quinn.
