Monday, December 14, 2009

Mo'Most home

That's what she says as we turn the last few corners "mo'most home!"

Too cute. Her vocabulary has absolutely exploded the past few days again...repeating anything and everything...but not too long after she hears it (usually). We've been working on spanish words's a totally different sound than english and she has frustration with english words she can't say, so spanish is not coming so easily. Guess maybe I should've pushed it harder awhile ago...ah well. The fact that she knows so many english words is exciting for me.

She learned heart and star shapes this weekend. She still confuses square and triangle sometimes, but is doing well with circle and rectangle (how she knows rectangle and not square i'll never figure out).

Everything is "green" again too. For awhile it was "yellow". And a lot of stuff was "white" and "black" this weekend...but she's back to everything being "green". As I've said before, at least she knows they're colors!!

As for now, I'm off to help shovel some driveway (another couple inches of snow last night...and it was never completely cleared after last week's snow!! oops!).

1 comment:

Heidi said...

cute, cute, cute!