Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Long Week

Q helped pick up pine cones a few days ago.....they were nicely arranged around our trees. So, she picked them up, put them in a bag....and scattered them all over the yard -- "dump out, mama, no go by big tree". Hmm....oh well!

And wish I had more photos! I need to remind Trisha that I need all these cute photos she keeps telling me about. Q seems to be adjusting well to Trisha's little one. However, she did say on Monday after a long weekend of time with just me that she wanted Charlee to go somewhere else. But, quickly realized she was staying and "dealt with it". She's still apparently really good and gently playing with her and comforting her and is teaching her "high five!" It's tough for her to leave for the day without finding Charlee to give her a high's cute.

The long week I've had had consisted of a long weekend with Mike away with his Ultimate teams (Varsity teams won! guys and girls, yay!) and Q being sick; attempting potty training...oh and our state surveyors showed up at work on Monday afternoon!! So, Q and I have been up and out of the house before 6am. And, if we're lucky, we're home around 6pm. That's a long day for both of us and we're both a little cranky at each other. SO, today I decided we'd get some drive through garbage and eat at a new park. Not a play park, a park in Eden Prairie that I think leads towards the water in the park in our "back yard" -- or our adopted back yard. Since I introduced Q to the creek behind our neighbor's house, she likes to go there. The house is still for sale...hopefully our new neighbors are nice enough to not mind Q taking a bolt for the creek every now and then! It's sooo tempting as you can see the water from our mailbox (across the street by the house with the creek).

Did you know the sun is up before 6 am so early these days already? How and the heck did that happen? And I met the sprinklers every day this week...and this morning there was almost frost on the grass before the sun met them...32 degrees! And to top that off, it was 67 on the way home. Where exactly are we living these days?

Overall, our survey seems to be going okay, but the days are tiring and the change in schedule isn't agreeing with baby-boy Born. He kicks the whole way to work as if saying, "uhm, no, go back to bed, I need more sleep". And he kicks crazy about every 2-4 hours as if saying "FEED ME NOW". So, Q did the same thing, so I'm anticipating an eater. HOWEVER, different than with Q is that Q was most active at night until about 2am. This kid is active all day. SOOO, maybe I'll get a kid that sleeps through the night? We'll hope and well...we have PLENTY of weeks to wait to find out! I'm in NO WAY anxious or wanting to meet baby boy anytime soon...and there are no signs that it could happen anytime YAY!

Now, I'm pretty sure this blog makes no sense today. I think bedtime soon may be the best option....

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