Thursday, May 13, 2010

Double is Better?

Not in the case of Ear Infections.

But, ultimately, I suppose if the best route is antibiotics, you may as well have a cough, runny nose, double ear infection and puss coming out of your tear ducts. OH, and after we saw the doctor, the fever spikes to a Quinn all-time high of 99.8 degrees (barely a fever for many toddlers).

So, yes, Quinn's on antibiotics for the first time in her life.

BUT, she must have had an awesome time gradually getting more ill in Portland because during dinner tonight, our conversation went something like this.

"Q, please come finish your dinner"

"No, I an airplane!"
Running in circles in the other room.

"Really? Where are you going, airplane?"

"Visit Thad and Meagan with Daddy and see Water Mountains!"
Yes, we went on an airplane to visit Meagan and Thad and saw Waterfalls.

Yes, we spent the weekend and early part of the week in Portland. Saturday morning as we're getting ready to leave, I notice a new cough, think not much of it. Each day, illness, crabbiness, and Q sleepiness increase, do not think anything of it until she's oozing out of her eyes on Tuesday, the day we came home.

Despite the gradual illness, she had fun.

She seemed to enjoy the ocean and sand the most.
"See Nemo in ocean!!"

And Gizmo, most tolerant cat Q's ever met.
"I LOVE Gizmo kitty" she says the first morning when she woke up at 4:30AM (to her credit, it was 6:30 CST/normal wake-up time). She barely ever tells ME she loves me unprompted!

And motorcycles on TV.
On our last night there, Q woke up, got out of bed (air mattress on floor), opened the door, down the hallway, down the stairs, and found Thad and Mike playing games. Story something like this, "Hi Quinn, where's Mommy?" "Sleeping." "How did you get down here?" "I got out of bed and came down stairs. I careful. I want cereal." So, Mike proceeded to get her cereal, grapes, & juice. OH, and it's around 1am. She didn't want to go back to bed and watched Thad and Mike play a motorcycle game. She's asked to watch motorcycles and Daddy and Thad since. If I say no, she says Nemo. If I say no, she says motorcycles.
Can't win with a toddler. You really can't win.

I can not find the camera or I'd have some photos of the wonderful vacation we had!

It's hard to believe we're just a few weeks from MEXICO!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you didn't get her to the doctor any too soon! Hope she gets better fast. Give her hugs and kisses from Grandma and Grandpa! Glad you had a good vacation.


marcyw said...

I can't believe how healthy she's been for so long that that was a high temp for her! We had to get ear tubes for Cole after monthly ear infections and just this week he reached his all time high of 104.2!! That's one tough little cookie you've got! And it sounds like she's doing really well with her words/sentences!