Q's eyes were crazy blue on Sunday, but the camera was not doing them justice. Regardless, we got her all dressed up in her Christmas jumper for mass on Sunday to make sure it fit and she was comfortable enough. She was. Sorry, Abbie, the green one is just TOOOOO SMALL. :-) Isn't that what you wore last year? And aren't you two? Oh well...I've come to admit my baby just is ... big!

Back to the title. So, in 'typical' "Mom" fashion, I spoiled my daughter instead of myself on my birthday (which was Monday).
Q had a VERY crabby morning and has been refusing to take her morning nap. So, at about 9:45, I decided I was taking a shower and we were going to go shopping for Mommy's birthday.
We were finally out the door by about 11.
I've been looking at gliders so we actually had our first stop at Babies R Us...they have about 40 rockers set up. Well, Quinn and I did not sit very comfortably together in any of them...definitely more of an "infant and mommy" kind of chair. The super plush recliner that's in her nursery now is fabulous because we can both sit (yes, she sits on the chair) and read her books. It was awful post-op and early breastfeeding, but now it works wonderfully. SO, the glider may be put on hold until baby #2.
And I still managed to spend $80 there! St Nick bought Q a "laugh and learn play house" and a new 'couch'/toddler fold out bed. She loves both additions to our living room play area. In fact, there should still be room for the present she asked Santa to buy her(a new slide jungle gym that's technically meant for outdoors). So, most of her toys are in her room, in ONE area of the living room and ONE drawer full in the kitchen. Much more controlled than 2 days ago.

Then we went to the Olive Garden as soup, salad, breadsticks and pumpkin cheesecake were calling my name. The cheesecake was more than the meal! And Q ate all the yecky olives, so the meal balanced well for both of us!
Then to Target. Well, I do not plan on going back to Target until after Christmas. At least not Target here. I forgot how crazy idiotic people get when they "need" something for a loved one and can't find it. Wow, I've never seen so many crabby people during the holidays. BUT, I got a bargain! I grabbed the cat brush without a price tag (not on purpose, but because this Target is not so good with pricing things...). They gave it to me for $2! I'm almost sure it was an $11 brush. SWEET!
I did find a shirt I like at Target...but no Mountain Dew (I swear the stuff is illegal here because it's impossible to find in stock anywhere). So, I spent $10 for myself (sorry Mike, I tried!).
We also looked for a winter coat for Quinn and they just don't fit her right. I want one that's big enough so when she's wearing a sweater, it'll still fit. Well, I had to go to 3T for that to fit...and which point the arms were waaay too long and the hood fit awkward. Suggestions??
By the time we got home at about 3:30, she was beat. She fell asleep as we turn one of the last corners home. I emptied the car, got her out, got her upstairs and just as I was leaving her room, she woke up. So I nursed her and she was out...for three hours! So, I put together her new toys and played a little WOW. It was a nice evening. I don't remember dinner...I think I just ate my cheesecake!
I have some crazy cute video of how crazy cute she is becoming, but the loading keeps stalling out on me. A video of what she does when she's sleepy, hungry and Mike leaves the room. A video of what she does when she's all done eating. A video of her waking up from a nap. A video of her playing peek-a-boo. Maybe I'll try loading them on the Dell....
Sounds like it's almost nap time...and time to finish the Christmas letters!