So, for family that was here on Friday--they learned that Quinn remembers. She poked herself in the eye about a month ago as she was falling asleep. Well, she remembered this on Friday shortly before my family arrived and she cried and cried and cried that her eye hurt and she poked herself. She failed to mention it was a month ago---but she just remembered it hurt, so she cried and made herself feel it was hurt again.
Well, she was lucky enough to go to the doctor today!!! And I don't think she'll pull out "my eye hurts" anymore. I'm pretty sure it'll be "I don't like the doctor. My legs hurt!!!" She got flu mist and two immunizations. Not pretty. Bandaids didn't fix it. Mommy didn't fix it. Stickers didn't fix it. Brother kisses didn't fix it. Kiki didn't fix it. Target trip didn't fix it. TYLENOL didn't fix it. Vitamins seemed to fix it so far...we'll see how long that lasts. OH, then she got her blood taken from her finger because I don't recall ever getting a lead test and well...we were in an old Brooklyn house and she liked to eat be safest, I guess this is a verification she's okay.
Vincent also got THREE shots. I forgot how "easy" it was at that age. He turned tomato red, screamed until I got to pick him up, and fell asleep as soon as I cozied him into his bundled car seat. He briefly opened his eyes at Target, giggled at me, and fell asleep again. I like the "just cuddle up and sleep" coping mechanism!!
I have the specific "chart" information in the diaper bag nowhere near me right now...but the summary of what I can remember. Q's heavy for her age at 34#, but 50%ish for height at I want to say 34" which I thought was funny...(higher BMI but not "off the charts")--she eats, what can I say?? She stood very nice and still for both weight and height--very shocked! She giggled the entire time she took the vision test, "boat!" hee hee "umbrella!" hee hee "house!" hee hee. She was right on target for most developmental aspects---impressed the doctor with her counting (apparently she's only supposed to get to 5 and she made it to 12 and there are times she can make it to 15) and stork stand (balance on one foot with other foot on your knee) and jumping (she decided to jump side to side instead of forward!! ha ha!!). Q was not able to make a very solid circle (but made an oval that almost closed) or draw intersecting lines (she drew parallel...) -- both are what "some kids can do". Her vocabulary and listening skills are above "par". She also has some wicked red skin from the pull-ups she's been wearing. :( Got PRESCRIPTION diaper cream as 2 days of regular isn't working so well!! They were NOT concerned with potty training (especially since she asked and was successful potty there!) mostly because of the MAJOR life change with Vince being 2 months old. They said they see many the toddlers that are completely continent up until the couple weeks before new baby is born and then not until a couple months later. SO, we're right on "track" there too.
Vincent: Let me just say--he likes to eat. How can I tell? My 2 month old is 13#! He also grew a few inches to 23" (I think.....maybe it was 21"....). He's on track around 30% for height and jumped to 80% for weight (from 25%). :-) Head is at 25% (Q had a small head too...but whatever) with no change and is following the growth curve. He's also above "par" with the giggles, coos, following faces and object, recognizing me and giving me a giggle--and just smiling at the doctor/stranger, head control, turning his head towards Q when Q screamed bloody murder when given her shots, and pulling fingers to pull himself up.
SO, kids are smart. I guess that's the moral of the story.
I'm still working on cleaning up the house from our house visitors and new gifts! She got some new books which she LOVES--charlie brown christmas, lullaby moon, and a pooh book (sorry Grammy, not much interest in the newspaper book yet). :-) Some toys--loves all of them. Sheets, clothes, shoes, hats, mittens, gloves, boots---all goodies of awesomeness. We worked on some thank you notes yesterday...hopefully will get them done by the end of the week. Vince also got lots of great clothes and toys for baptism. Again...lots to clean up and lots to wash and lots of stuff to find a good home!
As for now...I will enjoy the last few moments until the kiddos wake up! :-)