Saturday, December 6, 2008

SAHMs should get sick days too!

So, since about Wednesday, I have been a little sick. I'm just trying to keep this thing from becoming pnemonia or something awful like that! So far, just nasal cough or anything. And Q seems to be okay, and Mike seems fine so far too. Seems a lot of us have this cold now, though, so I won't complain too much. I'll just say that I envy those of you who have family closeby that take your kids when you're sick! Mike leaves for Dallas this afternoon for a hopefully I'm better before long! It's been really nice having him get her up in the morning...

The netti pot is a great invention. I wish I could feel as good as I feel right after flushing my nose; all day!


TB--Milwaukee said...

At least Q shouldn't need quite as much attention as she once did, does she? Alex could entertain himself most of the day as long as I am in the room with him. Ben just needs something to watch too and Alex takes care of that.

Glad my SAHD doesn't include 24/7 duty.

Christine Wood said...

yes, daily duties becomes a bit more challenging when you are not at full strength. good luck as you nurse yourself back to health. tea works for me.

Anonymous said...

Well count your blessings because working moms many times have to go to work even when they aren't feeling well and then come home in the evening and take care of their little ones. I hope you feel better!

Mindy said...

No fun! I really love daycare on the days that I stay home sick! Maybe you'll have to have Mike take a day off to give you a break sometimes, if possible?!

Anonymous said...

Really? The Netti Pot works for you? That's fantastic! Me and Netti visit quite frequently but I never feel much different afterwards. I'm battling a cold today with Netti, Afrin, Zycam, Vicks, lots of tea, vitamins, and I still have gone through a half box of Kleenex. Maybe the chicken soup will help. Or maybe I need a garlic necklace.