Since this photo was taken, the onesie and pants are too small! I've pretty much given up trying to fit her into too much 2T stuff because I get sick of looking at her belly and diaper all day! So, there are days when she looks like she's drowning in her clothes, but that's a much happier sight for me...not to mention she just seems to be getting so tall again! Need to find a pediatrician and make her 2 year appointment for next month (I think...not sure how advanced I need to make appointments here...)
On to Quinn talk:
Cat Cereal = cat food, they're bowls are empty, mama!
Coffee Walk = insulated coffee mug for when we play outside/walk/drive in the morning
GREEN! = the color of everything. The problem I think I'm seeing with her and learning her colors: she only seems to comprehend color as a verb. "I want to color" is very much in her comprehension. "What color is that" often gets the response "geen" or "caok" (chalk) or "ra-an" (crayon). Eh, she's learning. :)
Happy Mama Hot = coffee (she also says coffee hot, but more often it's happy mama hot)
Getting on coat, socks, or shoes, means a car ride or park. If any other action happens after seeing a coat, shoes, or socks...we have a very unhappy toddler.
Closed blinds and curtains means nap/bed time. There were a few days last week she was opening and closing the living room (well, unused room in front of house). When asked to please stop, she simply stated, "nigh nigh" and proceeded to her room.
If you turn the tv on, it means it's time for Elmo, Wyatt or (rarely) Clifford. When none of them appear on the screen she will either repeat "emo, wy, emo, wy" until she gets bored or she will continue playing.
The ice machine making noise means Daddy is home...then daddy never comes in! The ice maker and the door closing sound pretty similar...she gets excited too many times a day to count. At least she got some good Daddy time on Sunday morning and early afternoon as Mommy nursed her first hangover is several years! Yep, a gal night out. It was good times!! Until the next morning...
She's a goofy toddler and I love learning her "Quinn-isms" each day.
Too bad Hailey is still in 3T pants...otherwise you would be getting some. I have a TON of 3T
T shirts if you want more. They grow way too fast. Sounds like her vocabulary is increasing each day. Can't wait to see her again.
Make sure you wait till she's 2 and not a day early. If I remember right, they get some shots and have to be 2. Ben is totally wearing the same clothes as Alex now!
I like Q's "Happy Mama Hot"ism!! Mama must be happy when she has her coffee!
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