Sunday, August 15, 2010


Can't believe we were watching pre-season ball last night already!

Quinn enjoyed it...until she remember she liked cartoons better. We then watched....some Dora. Let's just say that Netflix is almost as good as having cable! We have lots of kiddo shows to choose from at any time of day or night.

Regardless, Quinn took a monster nap yesterday after a busy morning of shopping, lunch with friends, nails for Mom while she played on the EPC playground, and then home again. She slept all day (the day ran away from me!) and was then awake until 10. She said she wanted bed at about 9 though, so I put her down. At about 9:30 I heard odd noises from that side of the house....I discovered she managed to turn on her radio to the Vikings game and she's yelling "touchdown touchdown touchdown" while reading her books in the middle of her room. Hey, I'll take it. Why? Because she still had her diaper on!

Potty training hasn't had much success, but she is certainly becoming more "anti-diaper". If she'd go before she went to bed and if I'd catch her AS SHE woke up in the morning to go on the potty--I'd be okay with a pull-up at night. HOWEVER, night time is her prime pee time. FOR EXAMPLE, at about 10:30, after I put her clock on "snooze" so it shut off the game in a little bit (didn't want her music back on), she's in her room "mommy, I wet now, please change me I can't reach!!". Sure enough, she's barely peed in her diaper, but wanted a new one. 4am "mommy, I wet now, please change me, I tired". So, sure enough, yet again, a barely wet diaper but wanted a new one. SOO, she knows when she's peeing...even in the middle of the night. Not sure where to go next because I know she knows, she knows she knows...there's just no connection of pee in the potty already!! She did get a pair of underwear in her latest box of pull ups and wants to wear them. I told her potty on the potty meant she could wear them. Every time she sees them, she sits on the potty. Yes, we have 14 pairs of underwear in her drawer with all sorts of characters and pictures and toons..she likes the basic ones that came with her pull-ups. SIGH.

I'm beginning to think it'll rain every night forever. I'm very thankful our roof doesn't leak and our basement is DRY! Our grass has never been greener, weeds never looked so great...and OMG, the leaves and branches are falling from the trees already! I could've sworn it was just a few weeks ago when the trees budded. It was just already 8 weeks ago when we were in Mexico!

By the way, Quinn asked to go to Mexico with Daddy the other day because she wanted to go swimming with him--I told her they could go swimming here and she said 'no mama, fly to Mexico next weekend'.

Going to try to get some photos loaded today!

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