Tuesday, November 4, 2008

OH How I Missed You So...

Our anniversary present to ourselves arrived yesterday during Quinn's nap...

She was so happy to see the camera back!! I must admit, I love having it back. It's moments like those that I need to capture so I can look at them when she's crabby and remember that there are times when she's cute!
And, yep, this is me wrapping Christmas presents with Eggo's help.

The new header photo is the best one I got of Q in her cow outfit at Wyatt on Friday. Maybe Diya could share her photo of Q and Ava?
She got a bath before dinner last night. I gave her a banana, went into the kitchen to get her juice, came back and that's all that was left! See the small bit on her tray??

This was the spot Q crawled to when she was exploring the upstairs while I put laundry away the other day (still on the video camera, so it's blurry..)

Yep, she's INSIDE the bottom dresser drawer. Just like Killer does (except he prefers the drawers full of clothes...if you leave a drawer open even a little, he'll climb his way in and nap for hours).

Q's cold finally broke...but that means we're the house of snot. So, if it doesn't calmn down by Thursday, that means ANOTHER week of music class will be postponed. I wanted to do our make-up classes this week but they pretty much send you walking right back out the door if they see boogers...don't want to make the other kiddos sick!

Grandma Judy and Peggy come into town in about 12 hours. We'll have a busy couple days, but it should be fun! Hopefully the weather cooperates (like today it's almost 70!!). We'll see.

Got up and voted this morning. Took Q to the park (as it's next to the school we voted at) and she made some new friends. But mostly she just liked being outside. I really hope it's a mild winter, I'd love to keep up the trips to the park at least once a week!!!

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