She ended up with it on one arm and buttons in the front with it inside out...but hey...I'll take whatever steps she wants to take. she was so excited for the new clothes, she wouldn't let me take off what she was already wearing!
Another couple bucks spent well! My sister (one of Quinn's Godmother's, Kristin) and Grandma Mary sent more clothes this week! The "Abbie and Hailey just grew out of these and they are twice as old as Quinn" clothes. She needs to stop growing or Auntie Dannie will have to start shopping more! Auntie Dannie also bought her a slew of clothes as well as a new folding chair that is "quinn-size" that I have yet-to-take a photo of her sitting in...I'll get to that today after her nap. :)
She LOVES to watch things bake in the oven, so I turn the oven light on for her to see. If I don't have the light on and she knows I'm cooking or baking, she'll try to open it to see what's the safer bet is to let her sit there and watch through the door.
Hmm..anything else new with Q. What's not new!? She changes so much every day. She continues to love dogs. A few of our neighbors have friendly dogs that are smaller than our cats. They let Q play and pet. I think these interactions has caused her to be gentler and nicer to our cats (most of the time). She started throwing toys in their direction to play fetch (they don't). And pulls tails, legs, ears, and hair MUCH less frequently...even rarely (only when she's getting tired or overwhelmed by something). She tries to use them as pillows when she plays her "awake" "aleep" routine (she will lie down when you say are you asleep...etc)...except they don't like that.
UHM, books are interesting her beyond chew toys! She actually sat next to me and listened to a story yesterday. But she loses attention if you read the words of the story. She prefers it when I point to a picture, say what it is, and continue on. "Oh, bear! what does the bear say? roar! what color is the bear? brown. where are the bear's eyes and toes?" "duck, quack, yellow." and then I ask her to repeat words and she will about 25% of the time with decent accuracy.
We're working on reverse animals now. "What says quack?" trying to get her to say "Duck" instead of "quack". Not there yet...maybe soon! A truck says truck, by the way, in the world of Quinn. Fire trucks, pick up trucks, buses...the all say "truck" not "honk" or "beep". ....sigh...if only I could get into her head to see things how she still sees them.
She'd rather push the swings at the park empty, than swing. And she prefers to play with the birds, grass, and dirt than the slides and stairs and monkey bars.
She still loves her stroller...but only when it's moving.
She still eats pretty well, and is even chewing her food most of the time! Green beans and peppers still tend to come through whole...but I can't win every daily battle! She still eats pretty much whatever I'm eating. She fed herself her entire bowl of creamy wheat yesterday morning with only one spoonful flying towards Daddy off her spoon to the floor. Not horrible! She's also enjoys granola bars from time to time.
She L-O-V-E-S straws. Which is a good thing at restaurants and is a good thing they're disposable! I hate the thought of trying to clean straws as the germs accumulate super quick there...but we own one cup with straw attachment anyway. She's still digging the sippy cup. She tries to drink her bath water with her toy cups...she's having a hard time grasping the idea of tongue back and lips on the rim of the glass....her tongue comes up over the rim and pours into her mouth...most of the time she ends up drinking more like a dog or cat lapping the water out of the cup...silly girl!
Like I said...she changes every day!!! It's hard to keep up with her and I enjoy my recoup time during naps and at bedtime.
Mike is down to a week before his exam and I made the mistake of sending a few houses his way yesterday to look at for the big move coming up. So, we ended up spending a lot of time today looking at houses. There are A LOT on the market right now that I'd say I'd have no problem living in. I'm not so worried about finding THE house of our dreams. It's hard to meet that expectation ever, in my mind. As long as it's a nice neighborhood, safe, and close to a park. And any yellow rooms will need to be painted. :) It'll be all good. :) We'll take some time after Mike's exam to celebrate the big 3-0 coming up and then A HOUSE HUNTING WE WILL GO!!
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