Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another Loss, but a Success Anyway

Vincent, Quinn and I were treated to a Gopher game last night!
Yes, 12 days old at a Gopher game.
Yes, the game that started at 7:30pm with a toddler.
Yes, when the temperature was in the 50s ish somewhere.

Our friends Jamie and Bryan had an extra ticket, so I sat with them for the first half. Mike and Chuck used Mike's "normal" tickets and Quinn was free!

HOWEVER, Vince and I stayed mighty warm with body heat. Mike bought me a Moby wrap and it was the slickest thing ever...once I figured out exactly how tight it really needed to be wrapped. I even managed a covered breastfeeding session during the first touchdown, of all times. So, I did not stand for the score, or post-score celebration...but he ate well. LOVED the excitement and things to look at around the stadium.

He did not quite have the same experience Quinn had. She chased Mike around the concourses, sat with Papa Chuck for a little bit, but ran most of the game. I was a little surprised Mike was willing to give up yelling at the game to entertain his daughter. And towards the end, she was pretty much the ONLY one cheering "Go Gophers!" It was tough to hear over "Fire Brewster".

I doubled up on T3 (the recommended dose, but doubled compared to what I've been taking) and ibu at recommended dose just prior to the car ride to "The Bank". What I forgot to account for was the fact that the game end was going to be at my next dose of ibu--so the ride home SUCKED. Also since I forgot to use the rest room prior to leaving the game...doubly uncomfortable. Saddest part of today...the T3 is GONE!!!!

I had a good time despite the pain today and the fact that the Gophers lost. Quinn was still asking us this morning "what was your favorite part of the Gopher game?" and then she tells us what it should be! :)

I was going to wait to post this, but was excited to share. Unfortunately, I believe the camera is still in Mike's car, so the video and photos shall be available soon.

Tomorrow is our 2 week well-child for Vince, so maybe there will be some fun new news to share tomorrow. Our lil man is definitely getting bigger!!

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