Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Cutie

If that isn't the look of a heartbreaker, what is?

The tree has lights, but no ornaments yet--SO--no Quinn & tree photos yet. Instead of decorating the tree, we went grocery shopping. Tough trade-off, I know, but a girl's gotta eat sometimes too! And of course, we then watched the Vikings play football because we could! And they won!?! Those silly Bears didn't use their last time out. Guess they just wanted to let the game be over.
I took some cute photos anyway. The red and white outfit was mine when I was a little girl too (not that I was ever little being born at 11# and all...).

Grandma Judy and Grandpa Chuck come tomorrow already! Quinn's been practicing her crying for them...about 3 hours last night and another 2 hours this morning. I love the sound of that voice...
Today I quieted her down by going for a walk to the mailbox and bank. Really all I seem to need to do is put on her snow suit and put her in the car seat, and she'll zonk out. She's still out and it's about an hour late for her feeding time (as if she's really on a schedule yet). We'll save the quieting her down by giving her a bath for later tonight when it's 'cold' outside (it might be 34 degrees :) ).
I can't believe Christmas is next week! Cards will be out late this year!
I also can't believe how much Quinn has grown, changed and "unfolded" (she's not in the fetal position as much) in just the last week. Her month "birthday" is this weekend already! We've both come a long way in these past weeks. Regardless, the photo shows that she's almost as long as a pillow now!! Yes, it's a weird frame of reference, but most of the time I see her, she's lying on a pillow eating, so it's MY most common frame of reference to her growing. She was barely football size a few weeks ago when we were in the hospital. Time's flying by already!
She must have heard me type "late for feeding" as she seems ready to eat now!!


Mindy said...

Hi there...I have wandered over from Claire's blog! Your little Quinn is sooo cute! I have been following your progress, as I had a c-section with my daughter, too. Isn't it amazing how one day a walk to the mailbox seems so daunting, but a week or so later an easy walk sounds so nice?! Keep taking it easy (as easy as you can!), it will still take awhile to feel tip top.

Anonymous said...

Wish I was there to give that "Christmas cutie" a big hug. I guess you'll have to do that for me. I remember when you wore that sleeper...doesn't seem so long ago.

Love you all,

Anonymous said...

Where is the Packer sweatshirt?!?!?