Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Minnesota Play Date

After we enjoyed the park with Kachelmyers, we enjoyed Jill's AWESOME homemade biscuits and beef stew. Then, Beth picked me up and we headed to Sondra's so I could meet the other "Minnesota Babies". (Mike went to the U with Beth and Sondra for those of you who don't know.)
It was fun for me to remember what it was like just a few months ago. It was fun for Beth and Sondra to see what their little ones will be like in just a few months. And Sondra realized what "baby-proofing" entails. I really don't know that there could be any baby as curious about the world and wanting to eat everything as our little Q though! I eagerly wait to hear stories about Julia and Teddy as they grow these next few months.

Q was the oldest, was sleepy, but entertaining. As you can see, she was entertained by Teddy, but really enjoyed not realizing he was a little baby who didn't really mind being nearly sat on...but that she really shouldn't sit on him!

Julia is 12 weeks old and was sleepy. She has started a bedtime routine and was happy to abide...on the night they had company even! She had a long first day away from Mommy at day care, so Sondra enjoyed her sleeping as she was apparently not so quiet just prior to us arriving. Julia seems to be a bundle of energy and alertness, usually, from what Sondra was saying about her darling daughter. She cuddled and slept and it made me remember how just a few months ago, Q would do the same thing. Amazing how quick they grow! Ian arrived home after soccer to 'baby central' and I'm pretty sure he was overwhelmed with "mommy talk". She's adorable Sondra and Ian, congratulations again! (She's even giving a smile in her sleep for the camera!)

Teddy is just about 9 weeks old and a playful little guy who likes to eat now (yay!!). When Q was this age, this playmat with toys scared her to's crazy to see how kids differ at that age! Of course, Q was only this size for about 2 weeks of her life! For being a few weeks early, Teddy sure seems to be catching onto life and is a little bundle of joy. Congrats again, Beth and Scott!

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