Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sleep PLEASE just SLEEP!

One of these days Q will sleep through the night, right?

I've tried keeping her up, I've tried waking her up to feed her, I've tried feeding her dinner later, I've tried bottles, I've tried stories....I haven't tried NyQuil yet...but that's just wrong!

Is there a trick I don't know?

I really need a week of sleep...I should've taken up Patty and Stan's offer to take her for the week! But that would've meant 2 weeks without her as Mike will be gone all next week and I'm not ready to be away from her for that long!


new*me said...

A noise may be waking her up. This is what we do for the twins.....

classical cd on repeat ALL night
a fan (white noise) blowing away from them

It really has helped us :)

This too shall pass yet it is just one of the many fun stages. At least she's not climbing out of her crib!

Sometimes letting them cry is okay!

Heidi said...

Jason suggested we let Lucy lick an Ambien pill before bedtime tonight. He's kidding...I think.

Yes, this will pass, but it's difficult when you spend all day in a zombie-like state. I feel your pain, mama.

Mindy said...

It IS SO hard! Natalie finally started sleeping through the night at one. We didn't have to do anything, she just suddenly did it on her own. I like to think she just wasn't ready before that. So, maybe Q's time is coming soon?

Anonymous said...

Both my kids magically became better sleepers at around 15 months. Of course, they still get sick. Last night, I was in my own bed from midnight to 4:30am. Refreshing. :-P

If you are feeling desperate, go to the library and check out the book "Sleepeasy." It combines a lot of the best suggestions from all the sleep gurus out there.

Good luck!

Heidi said...

Hi, me again. I did get the book Sleepeasy that emily suggested. Yes, it involves crying but after reading all the chapters on why babies (and mamas) need sleep I may consider giving it a shot. Maybe you could deliver earplugs to the neighbors? ;)