Well, all sorts of excitement occurring today already!
We're getting our first snow, but NOTHING like what Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Chicago have seen (from what we can see on the weather channel).
Dad called at 2am today to let us know Mom's flight was cancelled. I woke up with Quinn at 5:30 and I was as hungry as she was, so I decided to double check status JUST IN CASE something changed (as Mom's co-workers and family in Wisconsin are anxious to have her home again). I checked the website and it said nothing about cancellation, so I woke up the rest of the house. After a few phone calls, one said the flight was cancelled. With different status reports, Mike and Mom are off to the airport about 30 minutes later than they wanted. It looks like just about everything in/out of Chicago is delayed/cancelled this morning. I'm guessing her flight is cancelled and I'll see them in about an hour. With the snow here, too, I'm not sure how on-time things will be running in the next hour. Maybe this is God's way of saying Mom's supposed to stay! She's ready to get back to her "real world" though. It's tough being away from home for 2 weeks...whether it is visiting grandbaby or not. Overall--good luck, Mom, if you need to rush to your gate!!
Quinn also decided she wants to sleep in only 2-hour blocks of time since yesterday afternoon. How happy was I that she decided to keep the routine through the night too?? I have a feeling I'll be napping today--especially since I'm relatively awake now and it's 6:30am!
Sneezing after a c-section--let's talk about excitement there!! The doctors stress how you should watch how you sit-up and lift (etc) to take care of the ab area after the section. They never tell you how much sneezing and coughing will hurt. I wish there was a medication for that too! Luckily the stinging pains in the abs and back only last a minute or two!
SO, I'm going to go back to my blanket and will probably watch a movie and wait for my husband and/maybe Mom to return home again. If I'm really lucky, I'll fall asleep again!! Probably just in time for Quinn's next feeding, but that's the life of a Mom!
yeah, we got hit with tons of snow here in the Twin Cities. Hope you, your mom, mike, and Quinn stay nice and cozy!!!
Grandma was home in Grafton by four pm after visiting with her son on Layton Ave and shopping at Costco on the way home. Being a first time "I'm by myself flyer", flying "standbye" she did everything perfectly. She was so happy to stay the extra eight days, yet she is glad to be home too.
Good luck with those feedings two hours apart, Katie.
Love all three of ya.
Grandpa Joe
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