Friday, January 16, 2009

No milk

She still isn't loving cow's milk.

She'll drink formula fine...if I add a little go. SO, we've been having cereal with milk in the morning...and she barely makes it through 1/4...that's usually no problem. Maybe the kcals are just too much for her? I don't know.

Does anyone have good info on starting her on soy milk vs whole milk?

Some day maybe she'll drink it...then some day she'll sleep from 8 to, well, hell, I'd take 6! Hell, I'd take her going from 10-6 at this point!

And I'm having issues loading videos again! I have about 5 I want to post!


new*me said...

we had an easy transition except I would have to serve all their milk warm for awhile...have you tried that?

The chocolate or strawberry idea is a good one too :)

Heidi said...

Lucy also gobbles milk up when it's warm. Cold, she could do without it. I've heard that goat's milk tastes really similar to breast milk too - it's a bit spendier, but probably cheaper than formula.

My DC provider's daughter will only drink flavored milk too!