Thursday, February 5, 2009

She Understands Me...

...when it is convenient for her world.

If I quote words from one of her favorite books, she'll grab a few and come sit on my lap.

If we're getting ready to go somewhere and I ask where her socks and shoes are, she'll somehow find some and try to put them on (sometimes she tries to put them on over her head, but most of the time she tries to put them on her feet).

If I say, "'re getting so big". She'll raise her arms and try to take her shirt off. If I don't take her shirt off or distract her with something really cool, she'll get angry and throw a tantrum as if saying "you said, 'so big', now take my shirt off!".

Her mode of transportation is now walking with MINIMAL crawling. She'll sometimes crawl to get over the thresholds around the house. She'll crawl when she's playing with her bus or toys on wheels. And she'll crawl when she's REALLY REALLY REALLY sleepy. It's funny watching her try to walk when she's that sleepy.

She knows "blanket" means naptime and is often the one to find it and want it when she's tired...not when I ask her to take a nap or bedtime.

I can't sit in the chair in her room without her thinking it's nursing time. Yes, she's still nursing and loving it. About 3-5 times a day depending on her solids appetite (her choice, not mine). Chocolate milk from a bottle is the only way she's drinking milk, so, I'll take what I can get! My OB was waaaay more excited than her pediatrician that breastfeeding was still going well. It's still the best fluids she could be getting. I'm still amazed at how her overall appetite varies from day to day.

Her 18 month pants are getting BIG on her?! Pants that BARELY fit her waist 4 months ago are now ALMOST not too long and almost BIG in the waist. She must be getting taller!

Drawers in the kitchen, cabinets in the kitchen, the drawers on our console table...anything on our kitchen table or edge of the counters...she'll reach it and grab it in MILLISECONDS. It's making meal time harder and I often have cutting boards and knives close at preparation has changed tremendously!

She's getting much more introverted at music class. I'm not sure if she's intimidated by the other kids or the other moms. Maybe it's an internal sense they have to "stay away" from a mom and her baby? Similar to when we first brought Q home and the cats stayed FAAAR away from me and Q? Not that she's a cat...but that instinct could still be there? I don't know. And she's not nearly as introverted with Abby (the teacher) and often gets upset if Abby leaves the circle for any reason (get toys, get guitar, start back-up music, etc).

She still likes to "eat" all her toys and books, but I think it's time to start going to the library again. In fact, she somehow got one of her books out of her toy box by her bed and was eating it after her nap the other day! Guess she didn't eat enough fiber for breakfast that day! On the other hand, she'll mostly look through magazines now---vs eating them. :) She still likes to eat them occassionally, though.

We'll see if the Monday reading group at the close library is worth going to (if there are others there). Otherwise we may head to the "main" Brooklyn library in Park Slope. She's much more interested in hearing stories....but not actually giving you a chance to read the words on the pages. Just quick descriptions (egg, nest, cloud, tree, bird falls, are you mommy?, woof woof, snort, there's mommy, the end)...that's "are you my mother" in Q's world!

She knows "do you want to eat?" or "do you want a bite?" are associated with her chair and mealtime. In fact, I tried to just push her up to the table instead of using her tray yesterday and she put up a fuss and wouldn't stop pointing at her tray on put on the ground! So, we used her tray!

She's growing up too fast! Seriously, there's something new every day. I asked her before bed last night to find her sucker and she kept pounding on the door holding her blankies. I was so confused, but I couldn't find it in her room either. After a few minutes, I finally went to Mike and asked if he had it. He did. She knew he had it? I'm not sure......

OOOOOOH! The day after the park/50 degrees, it snowed ALL DAY..about 3 solid inches of wet, heavy, icy, bad to shovel snow (and yes, the Mexicans came knocking the next morning to shovel our sidewalk....uhm, that had a dusting of snow on it ...whatever--I got angry bc they kept ringing the bell and Q was sleeping...the don't understand "STOP COMING TO OUR HOUSE...NUNCA...NEVER...NUNCA". That's what I said to the last guy at least...we'll see if the word spreads)... And well, yay above freezing and sunny since then, as it's almost all gone again.

It's only February, but I want it to be May! I want to build sand castles on the beach and enjoy the ocean this summer! Who wants to come visit and join me?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whe she reached her chair she was like, where is the food mom?haha funny!She is so cute!