Quinn was very content to be in her bathtub and Pooh towel again today. We had a difficult time making bath time fun in the bowl sink with no way to plug the drain in Dallas.

She has also started self soothing (sometimes) as she's discovered her hands!

And I failed to post photos of the happy couple, Adam and Julie Billmeier sharing their first dance 69 floors overlooking downtown Dallas (very cool reception site!!!).

Hi! I found the link to your blog on Nikki's blog. I love the quote under Quinn's picture.
She's getting so big! I can't wait to see her and you and Mike!! (wait, will I see Mike, too?)
Love those pictures ....and those pink cowgirl boots!! Hope that doesn't mean she's a Dallas fan??
Glad you are home safe and sound. Will talk to you soon.
i cant wait to squeeze those cheeks!! it is about 30 below zero today and attendance is very low.. off to help K5 teachers analyze some data!
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