Friday, May 9, 2008

Sitting & Rolling Over

No, we didn't get a dog.

Quinn takes after me in one way...stubborness and choosing odd times to finally learn something!!


We spent the last 9 days with Grandparents or friends and she did not do any "tricks".

She chose to roll from her tummy to her back pretty regularly today (4 times out of 20--which is much more than the occassional "oops I rolled over" we got before).

She also is sitting for about 2-5 minutes at a time with ZERO assistance. The harder the surface, the better. Which is why I stay close by as we learned that she'll faceplant if you let her be for to long (thanks T!!!).

Not only this, but she scooted several inches on her belly today going after one of her books!! She has been scooting on her back for several weeks now so it's exciting that she can scoot on her tummy too!! Maybe the bald spot will be gone by baptism (long shot, but we can hope!!).

AJ, Liz, Hailey, Caryn and Hailey (from right to left). Above is the best photo I could get at Auntie Claire's house when we visited the other night. 5/7 of the grandkids were there (technically 6/8 as Claire's due in a few weeks) and all in their PJs and so cooperative. Ha ha. That night made me wonder how Mom and Dad raised 5 of us and managed to get some decent photos during those years!!!! This was the night Mary Peachy got to meet Hailey and Quinn!! She was visiting from Missouri and was surprised we were in town. We're always glad to make surprise visits! Unfortunately, I realized I didn't get any photos of the the two of them together, did you get any Mary? If so, can you send them my way???

Well, it smells as if I may be burning dinner.....


kborn said...

She won't even show daddy lately!

Jill said...

Hmmm, only because I am a tad bit anal about corrections- under your picture you have Quinn listed as Hailey, meaning that Hailey is listed twice.