We recently signed up to get an "EZ Pass" so we get SLIGHT toll discounts and the lines are usually ridiculously shorter. And we can use it to pay tolls everywhere but Ohio, so why not?
Right, well I'm online today to find out how much is left on it...and it automatically adds money. Sweet!
Well, I was searching around in the information...apparently you can use the EZ pass to pay in the McDonalds drive-thru! Holy Moly!
I also never thought 80 would be a bearable temperature for me walking around the city...well after 100, I guess anything feels better!
Sad to hear about all the rain, lake, and river issues in the Midwest. Hope everyone's still dry INSIDE their houses...and that you all still have houses!
Quinn Updates
*She enjoys her veggies more than her fruits. She LOVES green beans and will tolerate everything else. We've had sweet potatoes, potatoes, peas, carrots, and we're going to try red peppers tonite with some chicken.
*She's had pears, peaches, apricots, apple juice, applesauce, cranberries and...I feel like there's another one. We're also almost done with our first box of rice cereal which is ridiculously bland, so we're "okay-ed" to move to oatmeal (baby oatmeal). For lunch/afternoon snack today we had peach banana oatmeal and LOVED it. I'm not sure if it's because we spent 5 hours shopping and she was hungry, or if she really liked it...who knows! All I know is she was ready to eat, and wow, was I ready to feed her!
*She is putting more sounds together, but no distinct "ma ma" or anything like that.
*She loves to give raspberries. She does it almost non-stop when she's hungry or full. It's adorable. Mike thought she was playing with him the other night...nope, she just wanted to eat. But it's a fun game for her for a few minutes before she starts to get upset that she's not getting fed.
*She thinks it's the greatest thing in the world when I click my tongue. She stares at me and you can just see her eyes sparkle with awe. Also adorable.
*She also thinks it's the greatest thing in the world when Daddy gets home from work and she doesn't have to play with Mommy for a little while.
*She also adores watching the cats. Eggo meowed when she was almost asleep when we got back from our shopping and she started awake and looked like she was going to cry....but let out ridiculously cute giggles instead. I think she was happy to be home!
*She either loves or hates crib time, but does well playing with her hands or mirror until I realize she's awake.
*Mirrors are the greatest thing in the world too. Gotta get the spray bottle attached to my hip!
*She's graduated from her baby/toddler tub to just sitting in the bathtub. I'm blind without my contacts/glasses and realized yesterday prior to her bath that our tub was pretty dirty. I usually use the shower in the basement as I shower during her morning nap and if I shower upstairs, it's started waking her up. I can't believe Mike didn't get on me for that one--or do something about it himself! She was a little confused by the new surroundings, but did well. We also busted out some new bath toys, so it was a load of fun for her! Not to mention it was 100 degrees yesterday so she was loving the water anyway!
*She's still only rolling from her tummy to her back...in either direction (to the left of right). Gets upset when she can't get back onto her back again. But if you put her on her tummy to help her arm strength for crawling...she's cool for much longer. Hmm...
*She loves to be outside, but gets vampire-like reactions when the sun gets in her eyes...like she's melting. It's awesome.
*She's ridiculously big for a 6 month old...almost 7 months! I swear she grown an inch and gains a pound every day. I better stop pinching her to grow an inch! Wasn't that the birthday saying??
What else to say? She's napping better. I think it's because she's better about hanging out alone in her crib now. Especially on days when we're out and about. And days when I introduce new toys. She seems pretty easily overwhelmed in after-the-fact moments. Like, she'll give any stranger smiles and giggles and loves to watch everything around her...but the moment her stroller cover goes up, or we get home...she wants a nap and she wants it NOW!
She's growing up so quickly!!