TWO HOURS...start to finish.
12:34am (when she woke up screaming; I actually hit REM sleep and was awoken from it...not a happy Mommy!!) to 2:42am (when I crawled back into bed...partially regretting I gave in).
Really, would any of you found a different solution? Hearing you baby SCREAM almost constantly for that long in the middle of the night? Here's my night (and why I'm on coffee cup #3..FULL strength!)
I went in a little after one to give her her sucker and blankie by then I was sure in my head they weren't in her crib anymore.
They were on the floor.
She calmed down...just sobbing...for about 15 minutes. I thought, THANK GOD, it worked.
Then started wailing again.
I told myself she was fine, don't give in. She calmed down about 2...yep, about 45 minutes of her crying. A few breaks here and there as I'm sure she was getting sore and out of breath and full of snot.
She calmed down for about another 10 minutes and started screaming again. At that point...about 20 after 2, I said, fine. I'll cuddle with you. You're obviously more than upset right now.
As soon as I got in the door, she stood up with her blankie and sucker (managed to keep them this hour) and held up her arms. How do you resist that?
So we cuddled for about 2 minutes and she looked up at me, threw her sucker across the room and started tugging at my shirt.
I really didn't want to give in...but after 2 hours of talking, I need a drink...much less two hours of screaming...I can only imagine how that little throat felt. So, I gave in an nursed her. She drank for a few minutes, looked up at me and said "ah da dankkk" (all done, thank you in Quinn language).
Now that I have a few more hours of sleep in me...that makes me cry. After listening to her scream for 2 hours...I just wanted to scream myself. Seriously, Quinn. Two hours of screaming for a cuddle and 3 minutes of nursing?! What the heck?!
And guess who was awake with the sun shortly after 6 and who was awoken from ANOTHER REM cycle....
SOOOO, to you Mom's out there that have kids who just sleep through the night. HOW DO YOU DO IT?!?!!? This process will tip my scale to OVERFLOWING if she doesn't just sleep through the night already!!!
I may banish myself to the basement bedroom and have Mike deal with listening to her all night. Of course, he's not home until Monday...And after one night he may join the basement!!
I still feel like I let her cry too long......I know I just gotta stick to it and find something that will get her to JUST SLEEP. How I miss the days of month 3 or so when she was sleeping through the night a few times a least it felt like that back then....
I do feel bad for the neighbors during this process. When she gets screaming like that, you can hear her in our backyard with the windows closed! We must get her sleeping before "sleeping with the windows open" season!!!! Or I will be baking lots of "I'm sorry my girl doesn't understand that night time is for sleeping" goodies for the neighborhood!
I feel for you. Lucy still doesn't always make it through a night. We tried Ferber for 4 nights when she was about 10 months old. It was awful and didn't work...I finally just came to terms with the fact that she just isn't a great sleeper but eventually she WILL STTN! I feel for you, Mama!
Ick, I just can't do "cry it out" for that long. I just plop Natalie in bed with me and move her to her crib after she falls asleep. I justify it by saying that if she wakes up in her own bed, she won't remember being in ours!
Natalie didn't sleep through the night until 12 months, and one night she just did it on her own, so who knows. Quinn's day will come, too! Someday! We all understand and feel for you, if that helps at all!
thx gals. I have a feeling our almost monthly trips right around when she starts sleeping is having A LOT to do with this issue. I think she's just not sure where she's going to wake up when she wakes up. I must say that it has kept me from still never having a night away from her!
Maybe I'll take Shanna's lead and just leave for a week......
It's a good thing this weekend get together never happened. Between Q not sleeping and me coming down with a cold, its a good thing you stayed home.
Oh I can;t wait for these fun times!!
It's a tough one........and for a seasoned mommy who knows better..........I sometimes let one of the twins sleep in the bed with me so I can get some sleep!!! I know, I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The life and times of a tired mommy :) Hittin' the strong coffee myself today ;) after a bad night with a sore tummy.....pore little Emma---and Yes, I gave in! Slap me now!
Maybe Quinn just needs to know that she will wake up in her own crib every morning. You have been doing a lot of traveling. Have you asked the doctor about it? He may have some suggestions. How about a little Bailey's?? Just kidding...maybe for you. I hope she settles down soon. Two hours is an awfully long time. My doctor always said "give them 10 minutes". She shouldn't need to nurse in the middle of the night any more. Have you talked to Krissy?
Sometimes you just have to give in if you want to get some sleep. You need to stay healthy, too.
Love you much,
Hey, sounds like there is a little separation anxiety going on, and the traveling may have elevated it for you. Poor baby and poor mommy!
Here is a wonderful blog to read:
Search for sleep posts. My favorite ones are where she talks about Sleep By Any Means Necessary just to get everyone rested up.
You should seriously get ahold of the book The Sleepeasy Solution.
I think it is the best one out there. It is kinder and gentler than Ferber.
Hugs to you. I have been to Sleep Hell and back again, and I go to visit everytime someone gets sick. Take Care!
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