Well, I'm sick or my allergies decided to hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. Last year about this time when we were packing up the house, I was also about this sick. I'm hoping I can just "rest it away" and that things will be better tomorrow. Q isn't really cooperating with Mommy not feeling well, as I think she has a touch of whatever I have. I think it's part of the reason she wasn't liking nap time yesterday (or today). If it is what I have, I'm just as miserable lying down as I am sitting up. So, poor little girl can't tell me what's wrong and my energy is at -10 because I didn't sleep last night!
And of course Mike needs to go to work, so we have to make it through the day somehow!
It's days like these that make me wish being a Mom came with sick days!!!
We bought Q a doorway jumper yesterday...she just kinda sits in it yet, but she'll get the hang of it before long.
allergies are miserable. Hope you both get some good naps today.
Lexia used to spin and spin in her johnny jump up. Alex loved it, too. It's a great exerciser...good for those legs!
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