She's been a little crabby the last 24 hours. She finally fell asleep about an hour ago after bawling for almost 2 hours straight. Nothing worked to calm her down...I think she finally just got too tired, she crashed out. Poor thing. But my ears and nerves just can't take much more crying! I don't know how moms of fussy babies survive. If she would've been like this the first few months, you can bet I'd be working somewhere and not be a SAHM. I'm glad she's been a good girl most of her life, but man, the crying is just too much lately.
SO, hopefully she'll calm down before the day's end as Mike, Q & I are heading to Maryland to visit D & N! YAY! Hopefully traffic will cooperate (getting outta town and back into town on a holiday weekend isn't the greatest idea, but we'll see!!). More importantly, hopefully Q will cooperate! She seems to travel better when someone's next to her, so we may have to travel "taxi style" with a driver and one in the back with Q. We'll see!
We're also planning our October trip back to the midwest (Mn/Wi) for Tricia & Travis' wedding, and Paul and Emily's wedding too! Those should be fun times for us...especially if Q is closer to walking and loving dancing and music then as much as she does now!! I will be travelling for Paul and Em's wedding w/Q and Mike is meeting up with us in Makato later that next week. We plan to visit with Nate, Nikki & Claire, people in Farmington, we're staying with Auntie Krissy when we're in Wi, and of course, we'll be seeing Jill and Tim as they've graciously stated they'd love to have us stay with them for a few days (not to mention transport to and from GB/MSP)!! We're excited to spend some time with the family, too, as we plan to get to Eagle Lake on Tuesday night or Wednesday sometime. You guys there can fight about who gets to come pick us up from Eden Prairie!! Oh, and D & N will be in Mankato that weekend too, so we may even get to see them!
Busy times, but they should be fun times!!
Well, off to enjoy my morning coffee (yep, morning coffee at noon!!)...
Crying can definitely fry your nerves and patience. Hope this afternoon is better.
I couldn't agree with Mindy more. Especially if you aren't used to a fussbug. I had two babies at home this morning and they were both crying at the same time - I had to take several deep breaths.
Hope the coffee was good. I could use some right's after 5PM ;) Maybe Q is teething? I can relate today.......Faith is very cranky...even an organic lollipop wouldn't do the trick....and that's my secret weapon on cranky days!
Have a great weekend away. Maybe with all the distractions, she'll be a happy little camper? One can dream right!?
Could be the fact that she had a bump on her head, 3 shots and is probably teething. I think she needs a weekend away with Mom and Dad. She's a good won't last. If you get nervous, she'll pick up on it and that could make it worse. Patience, dear daughter. Be glad she wasn't colicky...Mary had colicky TWINS...remember?? Count your blessings. You can always ship her to Wisconsin!! Hailey has her days, too..believe me...wait till she's 2! :) :)
Love you,
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