Friday, April 18, 2008


It's been a long time since a TV show has made me cry (since John "died" on Days when I was super-preggo)! Both Boston Legal and Eli Stone have done it this week!! I hope Eli Stone make it another season! I'll be sad if the show is over.

"It's a new dawn, it's a new day!!" So, time to go enjoy the outside world!


Anonymous said...

I missed Boston Legal this week!!! What happened that was so tearful??


Anonymous said...

I missed Boston Legal, too....what happened???? Fill me in please.


TB--Milwaukee said...

I am just waiting for the new episodes of HOUSE to start again...!!

kborn said...

Shirley's dad had increased alzeimer's symptoms and they got a court order to essentially put him to sleep. It was sad!

And I can't wait for House either...any day now, right!?!?!