Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bath Time

It has also been awhile since I've posted anything about bath time. Quinn has been bathing in the "big tub" for 2 months now (since Arizona). She had no problems leaving the shower area or her blue tub behind. I was a little worried as I've heard stories about difficulties with changing bath time and location from other moms. But, as always, Q just took it with a grain of salt and said, 'aight mom, change something else, I dare you!'.

When we first moved to the big tub, I was looking for something to sit her in as I bathed her, but settled for a foam mat and lying down. We needed something as she was still VERY wobbly while sitting. The mat worked well because 1--she couldn't sit well and 2--she wasn't rolling all over all the time.

Well, she's conquered rolling and sitting, as when she is on "solid ground" she can reach for toys well out of her grasp, get up on one knee, and manage to get back into her sit. She also sits well in the pool with no special aides. So, early last week, I decided to see how she would do if I just let her sit in the tub.

The first time I let her just sit in the tub, she was a little confused out by the situation. The tub is more enclosed and a different shape than the pool, and I'm not eye level with her like when she's in the pool. But, I gave her a ring from her stacker and she was happy as a clam. My hands were close-by the entire time for fear that she'd fall over and drown...yes, even when I am a foot away from her when she is in water, I fear for her life.

The second time we added stackable cups and she loved that she had 8 options for toys to play with! She moved a little from her spot (sitting on her butt and scooting forward), but not much. Never tipped over and loved it.

Well, part of the fun of bath time for me is watching her chase the bubbles. Since she seemed to grasp the sitting in the tub, I added bubbles this week. She was ALL OVER the tub on her butt. It was hilarious. And she was having a ball scooting from one end of the tub to the other with ease. Keep in mind I'm not letting her do this without supervision or close attention. In fact, if I was any closer to her the entire bath, I would've been in the water with her and touching her and being the one pushing her from one end to the other. Again, I fear for her life any time there is water around. She didn't really seem to notice she was the one moving herself...it was cute. She still enjoyed her stackable cups and the added bubbles makes for a great 15-30 minutes of a very happy Quinn.

We had our first slip and tumble a few days ago as she reached across the tub for her blue cup (as I am still close to her during bath time, but I did not catch her in mid-fall it's hard to keep bent over her for the duration of her bath). She freaked out a little bit (not as much as I did), as she landed on her back and there was water in her ears. I sat her back up and she finished off with no further tumbles or worries. But I washed her up and got her out relatively quickly after that as I couldn't handle another tumble!

We have been finishing our bath time with a few minutes of playing with the other baby in the house who only appears in a few locations....

She's just too cute. That's my conclusion. She's a non-stop babbler and is learning how to play her drum well (we'll show those crawlers our mad-music skills this week!!). The only times she gets cranky is when she's tired, if she's been awake for awhile in her crib and I haven't gotten her yet, or she's hot (which has been all too often lately!).

Other Q news--she was army crawling in the basement this morning going after my newspaper I laid on the ground...surprising as she normally rolls to get to it...especially on the thicker carpet. I swear that chasing the cats is what will get her to crawl before I know it. She's after those two non-stop if they are in the same area as her...they often distract her from eating as one of their favorite hangouts is under the dining room table.

She's still just got the 4 teeth, but the other 2 are close behind. Any thoughts as far as sucker (nuk) use changing now that her teeth are coming in? She now only gets it if she's in her crib and it's nap time OR if we're in public and fear for the sanity of those around us.

If she gets really cranky because she's hot, her favorite toy is a cold or frozen washcloth (frozen teething rings have been making her puke!!).

She's getting to love the camera (is that a posed smile above, or what?).

I swear she's saying "ma" "daddy" and "eggo" but that could just be my imagination too. She has different sounds for when she wants food (uhym-uhya) and when she wants to nurse (mmm-mmm-mm).

She rarely makes a peep if she's soaked or poopy...my sense of smell has been heightened by that, I think. :-)

So, a lot going on here...That's all I write for now (that's all...hee hee, this is a novel today!!).

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Cute pictures! I hate those bath-time tumbles, too.
I don't know about recommended pacifier use, but we use it in the same situations as you do! The only thing I thought of was getting rid of the size 1 pacifiers so it was a better fit in her mouth. But, that's just my own thought-who knows!