Sunday, July 27, 2008

Waiting, Travelling, Stranger Danger, and Beer

La Guardia never again (unless it's like, a free flight). Dirty, old, hot, packed, and a flight rarely leaves close to scheduled departure (from what I hear). Not to mention my first take-off from LGA was 3 hours late. No fun when you plan flights around your kids sleeping and eating patterns so the disruption to fellow passengers is minimize. We did, to the suggestion of Mike, upgrade to "business class (first class)". Free drinks, great snacks, and room to enjoy a 2 hour flight home to Milwaukee. Unfortunate for me, this meant Q having no idea where she was, what time it was, and why her eating and rolling around on the floor times were disrupted so horribly in one afternoon-evening.

So, we got to my parents house about 10:30CST....Q's usually in bed by 7CST on a late night. So, when Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Joel wanted hugs, kisses, and cuddles, all they got was the "stranger danger cry". She had no idea where she was, she was exhausted from the 4 hours at LGA and 2 hours in the air and it being past her bedtime. And then we had a new crib. SO, I tried the whole, 'she falls asleep on her own at home' and just let her be in the crib. AND, Mike and I were exhausted and it was 11:30CST (I'm usually crashed by 11EST) and just wanted to go to bed. Lying in bed I hear 'bang bang" giggle giggle...she's found the closet doors through the crib and she's making crying. Well, then the crying started. I went in luck with settling her down. I finally got her to sleep about I finally got to sleep about 2am. Well, guess who was up at 7am starving...besides me, my daughter and no one else in the house was moving to get I got a wonderful 5 hours of sleep that night. So I was a zombie the entire day and completely had no idea what day it was or where I was. And then Claire and her kids came over to visit so we had 6 kids in the house and I'm exhausted. Didn't know what end was up and forgot to call Jill and Tim who wanted to visit with me and Q---I still feel like an idiot--SORRY GUYS!!!! it was a pretty traumatic first day in Wisconsin.

I should get the stranger cry on video for you all to experience this cry. I thought Claire K's reaction to Mike at this age was extreme...EVERYONE gets this stranger cry when she's in a mood (or not sometimes). It takes about 5-10 minutes of reorientation, cuddles from me or Mike, and lots of croc tears for her to even think about going back to alone time.

I never thought her stranger anxiety would be this pronounced as she has had zero problems with the other moms and babies at music class. Maybe the other kids distract her enough? Who knows.

I think Granny, Papa, Carol, Judy and Chuck would've enjoyed a cuddly and happy Q for longer duration, but a lot of the time they got the stranger cry. I wish it could be different, but at least I know I'd hear her if someone ever tried to steal her away from me!

Beer--my 10-yr high school reunion was last night in West Allis. We had a buffet at a joint near the stadium and then headed to the Brewers game. I must admit, I was overly excited to have a night away from Q and I may have had a lot to drink and not until about the 5th inning did I really realize I was at a baseball game and I should watch it. Well, Brewers were losing at that point so I was bummed and dranks some more. Hmm...well, some exciting stuff happened and we won! So, we went back to the bar to drink some more (although I decided to stop drinking, I said yes to "just one more" which was one more that I didn't need.). Not the best choice considering Q's baptism was this morning! So, I think on top of some bad food that I ate, I was a little hungover for most of the morning. Church and baptism turned out wonderfully. Two of my older sisters also had their newly born boys baptized--so we had one huge party. I believe I may have said at one point, "it's only about 30 people and some kids". I failed to realized how many 30 people really is...especially when "some kids" is 10...half under the age of 1...all younger than 7. It was a chaotic afternoon....and Q decided to skip her nap (in fact, I don't think any of the little ones napped until about 1).

I have photos somewhere....amid the chaos my memory card was full and my camera is misplaced.

Overall, Q fell asleep in my arms as I was rocking her walking around a little bit and she took a 3 hour nap in her nephew's crib. I went to make myself dinner and her laughing and giggling mixed in with some sobs that sounded a lot like Q. Well, I had actually enjoyed the few hours of admiring my sisters babies and just getting to enjoy my sisters' company and forgot Q was upstairs for awhile. So, I went up there to discover her with Benji's mobile on her head like a hat, she was sitting under it with the toys in her hands. It was cute, but no memory left and no cameras closeby. There is no mobile here and Grandma's so I'm sure she was super happy to see hanging animals when her eyes opened after her nap!

Well, after such a busy day, we got home about 8:30...with a very tired Hailey (went right to bed) and a very tired Q (tried to put right to bed). Well, again, schedule all off kilter so she FINALLY fell asleep about 10:15/ my arms.

Now, I believe I posted something about how I miss when she fell asleep in my arms. I decided it's cute and I miss it...but 20# of sleeping baby is heavy...and for her to only fall asleep by me rocking her is getting old real quick! HOWEVER, we keep moving her environment and I'm extremely greatful she's sleeping at all!!

Well, my dad should have some photos for me to download tomorrow. As for now, Mike and Joel are out to the movies for a guys night. I'm exhausted from a long day of lots of people and slight hangover. Should have time to write tomorrow!!!


new*me said...

i find whenever I travel with my little ones, everything is a little crazy and out of whack. I think kids need stability and even though vacations are necessary, it can be tricky finding a happy balance for everyone....especially mommy :)

Mindy said...

Hope your trip is going well. Yes, isn't Stranger Danger fun?!?! just wait, after it goes away, it comes back a few months later!!!