...with sun is completely different than 50 degrees without sun.
Quinn and I went to the park yesterday because the thermometer said 50. I was like, that's warm enough. I'm glad I packed mittens and a hat and put Q in a coat.
Today, we had music so we bundled up for our 5 block walk...because it was 50. Only today, the sun is out too. COMPLETELY different story. So, we went to the park again after class (as it's right across the street).
Also, we went back because I promised Quinn yesterday that we would go after class today as she was crying when we left yesterday (I was cold after the 45 minutes we were there...that's enough time, right?!).
As soon as we finished our last song, Quinn was the first on to run and get her shoes going "pk pk pk". I was amazed, as I hadn't mentioned it again today. Is that really possible that she remembered?
There's a giant stone bear at this park, I believe I've posted photos of her with it before. Well now, she runs to it as soon as we get there, points out the nose, eyes, mouth, ears and paws and then runs away for the slides. Too cute. She only says nose though "no nas no" (nose/nariz/nose).
She also ALMOST put herself to sleep again last night. I was sooooo excited. Then she started up a few minutes later screaming harder and louder...4am...we're getting closer to a time when I'll actually consider staying awake!!! She still can't fall asleep again without nursing. If Mike sees her (usually when she wakes up at 10) the crying actually seems to increase.
Weening: we're 1-2 feedings fewer a day (depending on her milk intake for the day). I'm in most of my "old" bras again. Time to pack the nursing bras away (waaaaaaaay to big)?...probably will just toss 'em...they're much loved as I only had 3!!
On milk days, she's considerably more poopy...usually 2 or 3. Especially if there was yogurt involved during the day. So, I'm re-considering a lactose issue. To be discussed with the ped on Monday. I also changed WHEN she gets the milk and yogurt to early in the day as if is an intolerance, the gas buildup may be causing the overnight frustrations. It seems to be doing the "trick" as yesterday was day two and she slept from 7:15-4. Bedtime is getting later, but I'm okay with that. As the days get longer, I will want to be gone later, so and 8 bedtime or later may also mean a FULL NIGHT of sleep. When she's waking up for the day at 6, though...that's a LONG day with one 2 hour nap. 12 hours of Q with no daddy makes for a REALLY REALLY long day!
I think this week is Mike's last week-long trip. And he's coming home Friday! We actually should be able to pick him up from the airport as he's scheduled to land around 7...Q can be up late one night to go pick up her Daddy from the airport!!
Anyone hoping to visit any time soon? Or this summer? I'm trying to arrange our possible trips back home/to Maryland//hopefully Florida to visit Gina. I don't want to plan to be gone if anyone had any hopes to visit. Please let me know soon! August may be a bad month, as the house will most likely be in packing mode--somewhere else yet to be determined.
Should probably get back to Quinn...sounds like all the clothes may be off the hangers in her room (her favorite game) and she's TOOO quiet again. :) She actually plays well in her room these days. I can take a shower when she's awake! And she seems to be okay with that!!
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