Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I don't know who was more excited for Daddy to get home yesterday...Daddy, Mommy, Quinn, or Killer (Eggo was just happy to have someone else to bug when he's hungry).

But, he's home safe and sound.

It was soooo nice to get an extra 30 minutes of in-bed time while Daddy got Quinn up and changed. Granted she's so loud it wasn't sleep, but it was still I DON'T HAVE TO GET UP time that I've missed SOOOOO much the last week plus.

Quinn just sort of stared at him and smiled for a few minutes...then started interacting and talking and laughing. At least she didn't do her stranger scream! YAY!!

Daddy brought a present home for her...I am going to try to get a video and post it later. Too funny!

Can't wait for the weekend...forcasted 50 and sunny. We're planning on heading to the zoo!! Which means we'll all have to get up and ready before noon...that'll be a chore, but we can do it! :)

As far as Quinn updates: she's just not sleeping. The neighbors seemed to actually start banging on the wall after about 10 minutes of crying at 3am. So, I guess we're starting to drive them a little crazy. And seriously...I've been giving her the cup..she has it in hand when I go in there but is sad about it. And she'll guzzle 3-5 oz...and still be crying. She just wants to nurse. So I'm thinking maybe this is the time to start the weening process. She's been doing a little better with whole milk (less and less chocolate each day!!). And she's been drinking less at each feeding because some of my old bras fit for the majority of the day again (was no use even trying a few months ago...much less weeks). So...a new routine will probably be put in motion soon. As much as I'll miss that time...the girl's just got to learn how to make herself fall asleep during the night! I just don't get it. She falls asleep fine for her naps and initially at night with no breastfeeding. But in the middle of the night...nothing else can calm her down. And we had her running circles around the table last night to tire her out (really, she was walking circles around the table as we ate dinner).

We'll see!


new*me said...

glad daddy is back ;)

Have you tried a classical cd while she sleeps.......a fan in the room for noise ?

kborn said...

yep. classical music, playful music, calming ocean sounds music, straight up talk radio...
and she has a ind heater in her room that is on 99% of the nights that makes a nice white noise (when ours is on I don't sleep..not a fan of white noise--it doubles as our summer A/C so if it's really hot at night during the sleep ain't so great!).
soo....that's my story there!

kborn said...

I'm not ready for that, but if it means we all get to sleep at night...she'll just be that much closer to possibly getting a sibling sooner than later!!! I need a couple months of sleep before I deal with all day and all night sickness...and then not sleeping again!