Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just to See

I've been "fall cleaning" as it's time to put summer stuff away ... in hopes that fall will be here to stay and we won't see 90s again until next 2009. <> I came across a tub of my pre-preggo clothes from TWO years ago. I said, really. There's no way these will fit me again. But I tried them on anyway.

Best day of my life ever. No, not really, but best day of my week! It's been a pretty tough week and this was the exclamation point I needed. They fit perfectly and I forgot how good I looked in my Express jeans. I can wear belts as accessories again!

We're headed to a Beer Garden in Astoria for dinner with some of Mike's co-workers & families. Should be a fun night. Q is cooperating and taking a nap now, so she should be in a mood to allow us to stay out with few crankies until at least 7:30 or so! **knock on wood** As long as there is food, she should be okay!

Gotta get ready, though, I'm already running behind and nothing is packed for Q yet!!!


new*me said...

Have fun and BE PROUD of yourself! See, being a SAHM mommy can be good for your body :).......I just fell into the cookie trap one too many times ;)

Shanna said...

I hope someday to fit into my pre pregnancy jeans too, ahhhh, I know it's been two months, but seems like they should fit again, ha.