Best day of my life ever. No, not really, but best day of my week! It's been a pretty tough week and this was the exclamation point I needed. They fit perfectly and I forgot how good I looked in my Express jeans. I can wear belts as accessories again!
We're headed to a Beer Garden in Astoria for dinner with some of Mike's co-workers & families. Should be a fun night. Q is cooperating and taking a nap now, so she should be in a mood to allow us to stay out with few crankies until at least 7:30 or so! **knock on wood** As long as there is food, she should be okay!
Gotta get ready, though, I'm already running behind and nothing is packed for Q yet!!!
Have fun and BE PROUD of yourself! See, being a SAHM mommy can be good for your body :).......I just fell into the cookie trap one too many times ;)
I hope someday to fit into my pre pregnancy jeans too, ahhhh, I know it's been two months, but seems like they should fit again, ha.
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