Saturday, November 3, 2007

Lazy Saturday?

I'm not really sure where the entire day went...the whole day was thrown off balance when I was awake at 3am and unable to fall back asleep. Not fun when I fell asleep about 11:45. I ended up moving to the green recliner in the baby room. Slept there...okay. Finally decided at about 8 or 9 that it was time to try to be productive for the day.

Didn't do much of anything the entire day. Unwrapped some photos and frames and tried to decide how to hang them around the house. Still trying to decide where to put Frodo...he may not have a place anywhere! It was the first present I ever got from Mike, so I feel it deserves a special place in the house...we'll see!
Played with the cats. Napped with the cats.
Made Broiled Parmesan Tilapia for lunch (yummy!!).
Watched some football.
Did some laundry.
Ate some more. (I eat a lot every day...)
OH, and Mike assembled our changing table, so the baby room is COMPLETE...well, except we're missing the baby!

Baby Girl is kicking and moving around a ton (after her hiatus earlier this week). Her kick count yesterday was 10 kicks in 7 minutes. Tonight it was 10 kicks in 6 minutes...and of course a ton before and after that! She still enjoys hearing Daddy talk to her and they play some version of what I'm going to call tag. I'm always it, it's not fair!

Mike's busy studying now, listening to the Gopher football game. I think I'm going to go watch a movie of sorts (seeing as my nap wasn't until 5pm...I'm not so tired).

The cookies I made last weekend are gone. I may have to make some more tomorrow.

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