I'll give Katie a reprieve from writing this momentous announcement because she's worked hard enough over the last 30 hours....

In any case, I'd like to officially announce the birth of our baby girl, Quinn Constance Born. She came into the world at 1:26 AM EST, Thanksgiving Day (11/22), weighing in at 8 lbs, 2 oz. Mommy and baby are doing well and the doc sent me home to get some sleep (after the obligatory blog update, of course).

In any case, I am sure there are at least a few people out there who are eager to hear the news, so here it is. Our day has finally arrived and as you parents out there can attest, the feeling is truly indescribable. On that note, I will leave further details for another time, as I am exhausted (Disclaimer: Dad's statement of exhaustion is not intended for comparison with Mom's exhaustion). Of course, more info will be forthcoming, but I thought I'd get the basics for all you out there, wherever you are.

Happy Thanksgiving to all,
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! :-) Congratulations! Though you realize that this was wake someone up at 3 a.m. sort of news right?? ;-)
And I think Thanksgiving day is the best sort of day to have a birthday. Congrats again!!
Oh, and I like the name... I wonder where Constance came from. ;-)
Love you guys!
Wow! That's so amazing. congratulations on a new girl! i love the name Quinn. happy thanksgiving.
OH a Happy Thanksgiving it is!!! Welcome Quinn!! A BIG hug to all of you!!
Love you
Peachy, et al
Welcome into the world Baby Quinn. We are so excited for your arrival. You are so beautiful.
Congratulations to your wonderful parents. I am so glad you are all doing so well. I can't wait to see you all. Maybe after the hussle of the holiday season we will come and visit so we can play.
We have something very special to be thankful for on this special day.
I hope your Mommy can get some rest today she has worked so hard.
After your Daddy gets some sleep I hope he will send more pictures of his little girl and an update of how everyone is doing.
Have a Great day.
Love, Great Auntie Carol
Hi Quinn! Happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulation Mike and Katie!
Can't wait until we can see you all in person. She is a cutie!
Ann and Rudy
Congrats "Frisbee" Mike and Katie! Love the name Quinn - she looks great and ready to have some turkey!
Happy Thanksgiving guys!
Lori F.
Congratulations! What a wonderful Thanksgiving day gift - a healthy, beautiful little girl. Now Claire will have a playmate. Katie, you must be exhausted. Try to get all the rest you can.
Happy Birthday BBQ! or is there no more BB, just Q!
Welcome to the growing family!
Congratulations, Mike Born! Katie worked her arse off, but it looks like it was worth it. Can't wait to meet Baby Quinn.
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