Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My routine . . .not too exciting

If the anticipation is wearing on all of you, just IMAGINE what we're going through! Every day we wake up, Mike asks, 'are you ready yet or should I get ready for work?'. I say, 'I feel like I have every other day for the last 40 weeks.' He gets ready for work and says "see ya later!"

Then my day begins.

Usually talking to baby-to-be asking what could be so important that she needs to be inside me yet another day and that these CONSTANT demands to eat are really starting to make me less productive (as if I thought that would ever be possible) with housework.

Then, we feed the kitties. We eat and watch 'Regis and Kelly'...which is after the Today show.
They almost ALWAYS have the same guest on the Today show...then Regis and Kelly...so essentially, I spend an hour and half watching the same guest on both shows. I figure I won't be able to waste my time doing this in a few hours/days, why not now?

Then, I devote myself to whatever 'hobby' it is I'm interested in for the week. This week, I'm re-addicting to Star Wars KoTOR (the original even) so for about 3-6 hours a day I play video games. DEFINITELY not expecting to have time for that anymore anytime soon. Also the main reason I've decreased the blog writing (with the exception of now, I guess).

Of course, in the middle of that addiction comes second breakfast and lunch...usually associated with a quick check of the e-mail (as today has worked out so far).

Then, I take a walk. Whether it be for groceries, to the doctor, to the bakery, to the bank, to the mailbox/post office, or JUST TO WALK. This walk has become limited to a maximum of an hour if I'm alone. This makes for QUICK trips to the grocery store that occur daily if not every other day because I walk--waddle (don't remember the last time I remember walking...it's been a waddle for awhile) so freaking slow now that it takes me 10-15 minutes just to walk the 4 blocks to the store!! RIDICULOUS!

Then I catch what usually happens to be the beginning, middle, or end of "Days" and I ask myself why I still watch. I just can't tear myself away some days. This is usually afternoon snack time too.

Then it's either nap time or chill with the cats time. They're usually well crashed out which is the best time to sneak attack them with the cat brush and get all that loose fur off! Their fur has finally decided it's best to stay ON to keep the cats warmer. We no longer (currently at least) get handfuls of hair by stroking their backs once or twice. I was brushing them 3 times a day when we first moved here. Now I can get away with daily -- even every other day sometimes (like on days I forget).

Before I know it, it's dinner time! I call Mike to see when to expect him to see if I can get by on a light snack, or if I need to make a dinner that is good reheated. I make dinner, wonder how the whole kitchen is full of dirty dishes AGAIN when it seems as if I haven't eaten that much--it's only been one day. Well, recapping the day so far...and that's not even including my night snack(s)...that's a load of dishes!

So, I eat, wash some dishes and settle in for a night of TV or video games. HOWEVER, there's at least one snack included in that TV time. Not to mention the frequent trips to the wash room as the entire day has been filled with drinking water, decaf tea, water, juice and water....

So, I have been enjoying my time of doing not much of anything and look forward to having a person around daily...especially one that is part me and part my husband. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to stay home with our child. Maybe someday part-time work is a possibility...maybe school...maybe nothing. Someday we will have playgroup friends and we'll be able to show off our intellect and cute ways! Maybe be the star of the band like Claire K.! :) The never-ending possibilities await us.

There's just one thing standing in the way of that path...she needs to come out! So, she'll come when she's ready. Doctor and I haven't discussed inducing labor, as we all sorta thought she'd come 2 weeks ago. If she's not here for Thursday's visit, we (doc, me and baby) may have a chat about it...otherwise...I don't know.

I do know that Aunt Jen, Grandma and Grandpa Rebarchik are coming to visit Sunday for a week and they don't want to sit in our house for a few days while we're in the hospital! No promises there will be a third Born when they arrive! I never promised that!

I just have hopes that we'll be in and out of the hospital without complications or set-backs to me or our baby. I think I'm coming down with a cold, so I'm hoping she'll come soon so I don't have to be in labor and sick!

Peace out everyone! Maybe it'll be a few days until I post again....maybe it'll be a few hours. You never know.....


Anonymous said...

OH KT!!! Wish I could ride my bike over to your house like you used to do for me on Orchards St. As they say in the Ozarks... Hang in there girl! I'm sure when your family arrives they won't just sit at your house. They will certainly find something to do or make!! Oh, I can smell the brownies!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I hardly think it will be possible to be bored when visiting the Borns regardless of baby Born's status. Plus we'll be in freaking New York City, silly girl! I can think of nowhere I'd rather be. Maybe Baby Born will come when she decides you've reached your peak performance on video games.

Anonymous said...

I just may enjoy seeing you "waddle around" for a few days. We're coming to visit you and that can hardly be "boring". BB will make her appearance when ready. I still think she's waiting for Grandma and Grandpa!

We love you...see you soon.

Jill said...

I wish that I had places to walk that were that close. We have a Starbucks, a bar, KMart, and McDonalds within walking distance. All places I just don't frequent.