I wasn't such a rocker (Dannie took actual video footage so that should be interesting). I did get a few shots of some real rockers! I figure some sort of actual instrument background would be helpful, but probably not.

Sorry, D, I did not get any shots of N playing!!
Dannie and I continued the search for a Wii Fit. It's ridiculous how stores aren't really carrying many A MONTH at all...most are lucky (apparently) to get 3-5 a month...some are lucky enough to get a few each week. Well, the search continues as once "real" Christmas shopping starts, it'll be even more difficult to find!
The game did encourage us (more) to buy Rock Band for our Xbox 360. We rocked out for awhile last night and found out my rhythm and love of drums is solely "most energetic" as Mike's guitar skills had to try and bail us out of a few songs! We've yet to attempt the singing as apparently pitch, rhythm and words matter!!
I watched hubby and some friends play and they had a blast ;)
No worries! I think I got a few of him on my camera. We purchased the Aerosmith Guitar Hero the other day! It really does help when you know the songs, though after playing Guitar Hero enough, you will know the songs so it should be easier to play.
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