Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's so Good to See You

I was going to title it "hello everybody" but I can't follow Claire's performance. :-) Actually, it's a pretty similar experience...

We had our first music class of fall semester today. We moved to a location closer to us, as potential for needing to drive and park in Bay Ridge wasn't so exciting for me. We can walk now, as it's only 5 blocks away.

So, we had our first "all ages" music class today. Mike and I have been more aware of her needing social time with other kids to help facilitate learning and whatnot. So, having an all ages class means Q's the youngest, but there are 3 others her age (right at 10 months) and the others are 3 and 4. There are only 10 total children, so it's not overwhelming either (there are 8 kids when we visit Grandma and Grandpa R's!!).

We get to the room, first ones as I misjudged how long it takes to walk 5 blocks (about 8 minutes and I left 20!). We plopped to the side of the circle and immediately Q was all over exploring her new world. A few others joined the circle and she moved to the center-ish of the room and started clapping and waving. It was oddly similar to Claire's entrance "HELLLLOOOO EVERYBODY" for their class in Mn this week too. I'm pretty sure they will be best friends for life...if they get to see each other often enough!

The class always begins with the song "hello everybody, it's so good to see you" and go through the circle with all the kids' names. I've been singing it to her at home since our first class, but change it to "good morning" and we sing when I get her up and we sing about each other, the cats, daddy, and most of her toys. As we started the song today, she stopped in mid-crawl (which is odd unless she's "tired") and started clapping and rocking! It was so adorable!

The whole hour, Q was off and about the room playing with the other kids and finding specks of dust to eat and outlet covers to remove (yes, she's pretty good at getting them out most of the way--I can barely even do it!). I picked her up for our "dance session", but I enjoyed watching my little girl explore. I can't believe how independent she is getting! Q and another girl, Mia, were the only 2 who really ventured out of "mommy's" lap.

I'm taking my camera next week with hopes that the other moms won't mind me taking photos of their interactions with our little Q. My worries of her social interactions don't exist right now as she needed to be the center of attention and interacted with all the kids there (even if they didn't want to participate in the interaction!).

She's growing up so fast!


Christine Wood said...


Anonymous said...

Katie's daughter wanted to interact with all the other kids there?! Imagine that!!!

Glad you had such a wonderful first day.

Love ya!

new*me said...

oh, that sounds like fun!!!!! I'm sure the other mommies won't mind you taking pics ;)